Saturday 28 February 2015

Task Four - Be able to produce a television ident to a brief

When creating my ident for the children’s channel "Cbeebies" I used one still shot with the video made up of loads of pictures built up to form the video. The video is made of around 40-50 shots that are put together to form the video, with little movements between each shot. The video is made using stop motion animation; this is done to help you form movement in animate objects move without seeing the actual movement of it. If the video was not filmed in this way it would be hard to have movement without either seeing a hand or strings. When filming the ident I photographed each shot backwards, so instead of the snowman growing out of the ground, it disappear slowly and the snow went up. This was done effectively to make it easier to film the video and move the objects as you know how the snowman looks so can't make a mistake or get stuck on what to make and makes it easier when I’m arranging the shots.

The use of sound is also important when creating the ident. In my ident I used stereotypical Christmas music for my ident. This is because my ident is Christmas themed so the music seemed fitting, also the ident is aimed at young kids who like bright colours and nice happy music as it seemed appropriate to use that type of music. I also used the title sound of the channel it self. I did this to help audiences identify what the ident is for with out ever look to keep up the brand identity of the ident. If this was not there the channel audience might not understand what the channel is for and not pay attention to it. Also it is used as a jingle for the channel so audiences will remember it and join in getting more entertainment from the channel.

The editing of the video also helped making the ident very effectively. The video is made of single pictures being put together to form the ident. This helps giving the ident a more child friendly advert as the ident id made of Palestine, which are a child’s toys so the movement of this helps entertain the audience effectively. The pictures appear on screen for less than half second each to build up to form the ident. This is done to help show movement in the ident which might not have occurred if it was not cut in this way as the video is built up though pictures.

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