Friday 13 February 2015

Task One – Ideas Generation

 After looking though all the different theames for idents and explored diffenrt ideas for each theams I chose crafts as the theam because it applies to the channel very well as crafts are something that appels to  the target audience. This is due tha fact that children like to do crafts and other creative thing. If they see it on tv they will be excited then inspired to be mre creative. The crafts theme can be made to be neautral. Crafts have nothing deeply unique which would only be able to be used at certain times during certain shows. It alsogebnger eutral meaning it can again be put before any show. This means that the ident can be place any time of day, before any show as it will not look out of place to audiences. finally crafts will be the most effective way of reprsenting the channel. If I used craft i have more of chance  of useing brighter coulours and bolder images.

Different times of day

The time of day efrfects what sort of dnet is played on the channel. In the morning the idents that would be used would be bright and colourful with fun active imagery whereas at night there would be darker colours with slower  movements and calmer images. The ident has to fit the mood of that time of day as you doont want loads of movemnt when kids are going to bed and you also don't want slow boring movements in the morning as it would bore audences. For audienceshaveing the right mood set in the ident help set the mood fr audnces for that time of day, so it dont look out of place.Night is espcally important for Cebbeis because they have a specal "bedtime hour" to help kids go to bed. If the wrong mood is set the kids will not go to bed with the right frame of mind. For my suit you can use brighter craft items like paint and paper where as at night you can use darker coulurs and crafts.

Different times of year and holidys

The time of year also effects the sort of ident that is played on the channel. In the summer the idents that are shown will include warmer coulours (e.g. red and yellow) and summery images with beaches and parks, where as in winter there would be colder coulrs ( and grey) and wintery iamgry like snow and wool jumpers. This is done so the idet is not out of place , if you put a summer ident in the winter , it will cause confuseion for the children as they will not know what season it atchually is. Holidays thoughout the year also effects what idents are palyed. In december chriatams ients will be palyed where as in easter easter idents are palyed. Theis helps audeinces understad what time of year it is so they know what ids comeing up. These idents could fit with my suite. For christmast you could make christmas crafts like trees out of paper or a christmas card, for eater you ccan painton ploystrene eggs , or make rabbits out of pipe cleaners.

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